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Georgia Pediatric Program (GAPP)

Your Child May Qualify To Receive In-Home Skilled Nursing Covered By Medicaid

Apply Now

What is the Georgia Pediatric Program (GAPP) ?

GAPP is a medicaid program that provides at home Skilled Nursing and/or Personal Care Services to children with complex medical needs.


Who qualifies for gapp?

Children with complex medical needs under the age of 21.​ If your child meets medical needs criteria, they are entitled to get in-home care services at NO COST.


Medicaid pays 100%

Your child's in-home care services are covered as long as they meet medical needs criteria.


What if I don’t have medicaid?

No problem! A program called Katie Beckett/Deeming Waiver grants Medicaid eligibility for Georgia Pediatric Program services based on your child's medical needs instead of family income.


How can I learn if my child qualifies?

Fill out the contact form & questionnaire below.


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